Digital traceability techniques have been deployed in the fishing industry to eliminate illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing activities while facilitating seafood export. These techniques have been particularly important for Vietnamese fishermen and companies seeking to remove the “yellow card” warning given by the European Commission and meet their recommendations.
Compliance with Logbook Requirements
Most offshore fishing boats have been complying with the requirements of recording and handing in logbooks as stipulated by the Fisheries Law. However, fishermen, companies, and management agencies have faced difficulties with written logbooks. To address this challenge, the Center for Marinelife Conservation and Community Development (MCD) worked with the Directorate of Fisheries to pilot the application of digital logbooks and traceability (eCDT).
Digital Traceability Techniques
Digital traceability techniques are part of the project “Applying and experimenting technologies in exploitation and traceability in Vietnam” sponsored by USAID Oceans. Bình Định is the first province to take part in the trial of 10 tuna fishing boats owned by Hoài Nhơn farmers. This pilot program aims to deploy digital logbooks and traceability to facilitate the certification of exploitation and traceability of seafood products.
Benefits of Digital Traceability
Applying digital traceability techniques not only eliminates IUU fishing activities but also facilitates the seafood going to countries around the world. By using digital logbooks, the traceability of seafood products can be enhanced, and the process can be streamlined. This, in turn, enables fishing companies to maintain and expand their export markets.
In conclusion, the deployment of digital traceability techniques has been a significant step in the fishing industry, especially for Vietnamese fishermen and companies. This technology has facilitated the certification of exploitation and traceability of seafood products, eliminated IUU fishing activities, and enabled fishermen to maintain and expand their export markets.